We're here to help

European VAT for eCommerce

If you’re worried that tax laws can be complicated then fear not! This help file will guide you through everything you need to know about…

DMarc Compliance

You may have seen the following banner appear at the top of your account:

Language detection for AI Assist suggestions and Handsfree automatic replies

eDesk's range of AI features are designed to help you deliver fast and exceptional customer support to your entire customer base. Our intelligent…

Automate your "Where is my order" responses with eDesk's Tracking Code Mapping

"Where's my order?" can constitute an estimated 20-40% of customer enquiries. That's why eDesk allows you to add a direct tracking link to orders…

Glossary of Industry Terms

This help file is a practical and easy-to-use guide to common terms used in the e-commerce industry and that you might come across when using…

Sending emails via SMTP in eDesk

There are a variety of ways to set up a From email address in eDesk. If you want to use an email address that isn’t provided by eDesk, then…

Requesting Shopify reviews

The Shopify integration for eDesk's Feedback allows you to request feedback for the orders you received from your Shopify customers. This…

Requesting WooCommerce reviews

The WooCommerce integration for eDesk's Feedback allows you to request feedback for the orders you received from your WooCommerce customers. This…

Trialling eDesk? All your questions answered!

You've heard a lot of chatter about how eDesk makes life super easy for online sellers, and now you've decided to see what all the fuss is about!…

How to add Order Notes and Returns Info

This help file will walk you through adding complimentary information to your orders and tickets in eDesk. Before you start   You’ll…

Requesting PrestaShop reviews

The PrestaShop integration for eDesk's Feedback allows you to request feedback for the orders you received from your PrestaShop customers. This…

Requesting FNAC reviews

The FNAC integration for eDesk's Feedback allows you to request feedback for the orders you received from your FNAC customers. This help file…

Connecting Cdiscount with eDesk

Cdiscount is a major marketplace in France with 23 million unique visitors to the site every month and with 10.2 million unique users. Connecting…

Troubleshooting: Why is my order not showing on the ticket?

This help file will guide you through what actions to take if your order isn't showing on a ticket. Before you start    You need…

How to generate a token for the eDesk API

eDesk's API enables you to connect eDesk to the other applications that you use to sell, track, and manage your shop, so that they can send or…

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